Cresteri salariale de doua cifre in IT
Pentru 2010 si 2011, angajatorii din industria Software&IT previzoneaza o crestere salariala de doua cifre (…)
Pentru 2010 si 2011, angajatorii din industria Software&IT previzoneaza o crestere salariala de doua cifre (…)
Peste 200 de oferte de joburi sunt disponibile la a saptesprezecea editie a JobShop ce are loc la Timisoara pana (…)
Peste 4000 de locuri de munca in strainatate au fost oferite de agentiile de recrutare medicilor, farmacistilor, (…)
PepsiCo, Nike, Ford, Hewlett-Packard, Adobe Systems, L’Oréal, Timken, IKEA, Cisco Systems si Vodafone (…)
Starting with September 2010, at the same time with the reception of the first 5th grade student generation, (…)
CEU Business School and Human Invest will organize, starting with May 2010, the „Advanced Management (…)
Most of the Serbian CEOs believe they could not have foreseen the economical crisis and claim they took all the (…)
CEOs confidence might not be at its peak, but the executive managers believe in the economical recovery, which (…)
Romanian businesspersons are encouraged to seize the opportunities offered by Hong Kong. With the occasion of a (…)