Pre-MBA program
CEU Business School and Human Invest will organize, starting with May 2010, the „Advanced Management (…)
CEU Business School and Human Invest will organize, starting with May 2010, the „Advanced Management (…)
Most of the Serbian CEOs believe they could not have foreseen the economical crisis and claim they took all the (…)
CEOs confidence might not be at its peak, but the executive managers believe in the economical recovery, which (…)
Romanian businesspersons are encouraged to seize the opportunities offered by Hong Kong. With the occasion of a (…)
Dupa o veste rea, meritam una mai buna. B’ESTFEST 2010 a fost amanat, insa vom avea parte de Ciuc Summer Fest (…)
La InterContinental aveti ocazia sa va bucurati de un brunch autentic de Pasti; bufetul pregatit de maestrii (…)
Prima parte a anului 2010 a adus numeroase motive de bucurie in ceea ce priveste productiile cinematografice... (…)
Regia: Martin Scorsese A: Leonardo DiCaprio, Ben Kingsley, Michelle Williams Gen: Drama, Mystery, Thriller (…)
Steven Tyler (voce), Joe Perry (chitara, backing vocal), Brad Withford (chitara), Tom Hamilton (chitara bas) si (…)