When all news is good news
After an entrepreneur has expanded his successful new company or a chief executive has been promoted to the large (…)
After an entrepreneur has expanded his successful new company or a chief executive has been promoted to the large (…)
One thing is certain in business: things will go wrong. So when you first start up a business, one of your (…)
Cum poate un manager sa-si imputerniceasca angajatii astfel incat acestia sa nu se simta niciodata incorsetati, (…)
In incercarea de a afla care va fi cursul cu cea mai mare cerere in noul an, nu am avut nevoie de prea mult timp (…)
Mergeti fara chef la locul de munca si asteptati cu nerabdare weekendul pentru a va putea ocupa in liniste de (…)
Again a year is over and most of us do not even want to remember it. It passed away without major events. (…)
„De ce sa faci, domnule, un festival de muzica de camera in Romania? Nu-i nevoie de asa ceva. Mai bine (…)
Lideri de stat si de companii platesc anual milioane de dolari pentru a-si insusi tehnica de reinventare (…)
21% din romani au incheiat o relatie amoroasa printr-un mesaj trimis pe e-mail, iar 16% au fost surprinsi in (…)