So you have an idea for a business – one that you believe has the potential to alter the industry. You have (…)
Q: How can a manager empower employees to use their common sense? Kellen Kiambati, Nairobi, Kenya A: It takes (…)
My motivations have changed a lot over the past 40 years. In retrospect, it’s clear that this has been a (…)
After an entrepreneur has expanded his successful new company or a chief executive has been promoted to the large (…)
Cum poate un manager sa-si imputerniceasca angajatii astfel incat acestia sa nu se simta niciodata incorsetati, (…)
Timp de zece ani, Virgin Trains transportase in conditii de siguranta pe calea ferata milioane de pasageri pe (…)
Dintre cei sapte romani care au impresionat publicul in anul de care ne-am despartit si pe care unii dintre voi (…)
De regula, din momentul in care afacerea se extinde si CEO-ul (ori antreprenorul) ajunge sa isi mute biroul la (…)
Lucrurile care ma motiveaza pe mine s-au schimbat foarte mult in ultimii 40 de ani. Privind retrospectiv, este (…)