Trusted Business
Q: I recently became my own boss, joining forces with my brother, who has an established operation. I am very (…)
Q: I recently became my own boss, joining forces with my brother, who has an established operation. I am very (…)
Q: How do you let go? I truly believe in empowering the right people, listening to them, and stepping aside to (…)
The United Nations climate change conference in Cancun in early December was met with negativity and apathy. As I (…)
Inceput de an, ocazie de a face putina “curatenie”. Ce pastram si ce aruncam in 2011? (…)
Conferinta Organizatiei Natiunilor Unite privind incalzirea globala, desfasurata in decembrie la Cancun a fost (…)
Anul trecut pe vremea aceasta citeam articole teribile pe agentiile de presa straine, despre fosti bancheri de pe (…)
“Cum faci sa te dai la o parte? Eu cred cu toata taria in imputernicirea oamenilor potriviti, pe care ii (…)
Sfarsit de an, abundenta de topuri. De la cei mai buni, mai priceputi, mai abili manageri, CEO, antreprenori, (…)
De putin timp am devenit propriul meu sef, intrand in afacerea fratelui meu. Imi place aceasta experienta, dar nu (…)