Working More for the Same Pay
Some companies have reassigned the tasks of the employees who were laid off, others are going through internal (…)
Some companies have reassigned the tasks of the employees who were laid off, others are going through internal (…)
Trupa Cranberries canta in premiera in Romania, pe 20 iulie, intr-un concert organizat de Events. (…)
Situatia economica din Romania este evaluata drept critica, informeaza Mediafax. Asteptarile expertilor financiari (…)
Leonard Cohen se reintoarce in Romania dupa ce, la precedentul concert sustinut la noi, a lasat o multime de fani (…)
26 august 2009 este ziua in care Madonna se va afla in Romania. Concertul pe care-l va sustine este sponsorizat de (…)
Este ceea ce se cheama in limbajul comun un om "dintr-o bucata". Fara perdele de fum in jurul propriei (…)