Recognizing and awarding achievements in the field of sustainability

Green Report has stood out over time as a leader on environmental and sustainability issues, witnessing the dramatic evolution of humanity throughout this period.
Green Report exists as a publication for 15 years. Why an environmental Gala now?
When we started writing we were talking about climate change, but today we are witnessing the effects of the climate crisis. That is precisely why it is important to act now, and equally important to recognize the merits of those who make a difference and who, in addition to innovation and engagement, have integrated sustainable development into their business plan.
From the very beginning, we set out to position the Green Report Gala as the most prestigious annual event dedicated to the recognition of the most important projects in the field of sustainability carried out in Romania by companies, public institutions or individuals. Recognizing and awarding achievements in the field of sustainability in Romania is important precisely to encourage and stimulate other relevant initiatives to protect both the environment and people.
Is there an evolution in recent years of the involvement of companies in social responsibility actions?
On their own initiative or under the pressure of various European and national regulations, the involvement of companies in social responsibility actions is increasing. By the nature of our work we are directly interested in and follow with interest the environmental campaigns developed by various companies. Thus we could observe that they play an important role in increasing society’s awareness of the need to protect the environment.
By their nature, environmental campaigns seek to change the attitude and behavior of the population regarding environmental protection by addressing various topics such as: separate collection and recycling of waste, saving or reusing resources, reducing water or energy consumption, reducing pollution, etc. The success of the environmental campaigns will be determined by their tangibility, the originality of the proposed solutions, the visibility, the impact, the coherence, the durability or the continuity of the projects.
Also, the public authorities have a say. How big is their involvement?
In general, public authorities, whether central or local, must create and maintain the legal framework that facilitates the adoption of sustainable behavior both in the business environment and at the level of society in general. If we award a company because it managed, through its business philosophy, to come up with a sustainable project that protects the environment, its resources, others will surely follow the power of this example.
It is equally important to highlight the projects of those local authorities that have led to a cleaner development of a locality, whether we are talking about non-polluting transport, energy efficiency or a new approach, subject to the principles of sustainability, to the development of an area. In the same way, their success will inspire others the same way a single person, with his or hers ideas, with his or hers good practices, can become an example worthy of following for many of his or hers peers.
Who can participate in the Green Report Gala and what are the registration conditions?
Companies, civil society organizations, public or private institutions with headquarters and operations in Romania can participate in the competition, and the project, initiative or approach must have been implemented in Romania. This year, the registration deadline is November 10.
How do you measure the impact of sustainability actions in both the private and public sectors?
In order to remove any doubt about the judging standards of the projects, as in the 2021 edition, those who judge the sustainability projects entered in the Gala Green Report 2022 are specialists with a high level of credibility and professional competence in the field of sustainability. This year, the judging of the competition is provided by Ramona Jurubiță, Country Managing Partner, KPMG Romania, Andreea Mitiriță, Fiscal Consultancy Partner, PwC Romania, Marius Brînzea, Strategy Director, Reciclad’OR, Laura Ciobanu, Senior Manager Climate Change and Sustainability, EY Romania , Sorin Elisei, Director, Leader of Sustainability and Energy Practices, Deloitte Romania and Florin Stoican, President of the Kogayon and Văcărești National Park Associations.