CARIERE nr. 295, Martie 2025 CARIERE nr. 295, Martie 2025 Citește-te acum

Marian Murguleț

Former State secretary for Information Technology and Government Chief Information Officer, Government of Romania

Marian Murgulet, former State secretary for Information Technology and Government Chief Information Officer, Government of Romania (July 2019 – January 2021) is a Technology Executive, with extensive experience in managing both business structures and complex ICT projects in local and international driven environments.
As a Government CIO, Marian focused on digital transformation, implementing digital solutions to increase public sector efficiency, while learning that challenges do not fully lie in technology implementation, but in paradigm change.
Leading governmental ICT sector in Romania for more than a year and a half, and coordinating public policies, investments and information technology resources, Marian focused on aligning them with the strategic objectives and with the national interoperability framework, while working closely with the Cyber ​​Security Operational Council and other specialized authorities in the field of cyber security.
Marian’s professional experience includes a diplomatic career, after which he dedicated to ICT private sector for more than 10 years. As an Executive, he was in charge with implementing and coordinating ICT teams and projects in various countries and continents, as well as providing advice in foreign affairs related issues.
He values business ethics and has a special attention on transparency, respect and commitment.
In 2000, Marian holds a post-graduate degree in Public Relations and Communication from the University of Bucharest, where he started developing his skills in strategic thinking and communication. He also holds two other postgraduate degrees: one in International Currencies and Fiscal Mechanisms and one in Human Resources Management. He obtained his Bachelor Degree in Economics from the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest.
Marian attended a broad range of courses and obtained numerous certifications, from general ICT ones, to Certified Information Systems Audit and Management.

CARIERE nr. 295, Martie 2025 CARIERE nr. 295, Martie 2025 CITESTE